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Foi inaugurada um centro internacional de Física no brasil, na unesp  no mesmo estilo da ICTP que fica no trieste-Italia. O objetivo do ICTP é dar oportunidade  a  pesquisadores dos paises emergentes na pesquisa das areas de ponta nos distintos campos da física, matemática e outras areas  da ciencia basica.

ICTP has opened a regional branch in Sao Paulo, Brazil, to bring its unique blend of high-quality physics and mathematics education and high-level science meetings closer to scientists in South America.

The ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research is a regional centre for theoretical physics created in collaboration with the State University of Sao Paulo (UNESP) and the Sao Paulo Research Funding Agency (FAPESP).  It is located on the campus of the Instituto de Fisica Teorica (IFT-UNESP).

Activities, which are modelled on those of ICTP, will begin in 2012 with international schools and workshops. The Institute also will have an active visitors' programme together with several postdoctoral and permanent research professor positions. Applications for these positions, as well as for scientific visits and proposals for 2013 activities, are available on the Institute's webpage.

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